The Land Degradation-Migration Nexus-The International Organization for Migration (IOM) published a report titled Addressing the Land Degradation-Migration Nexus describing…Apr 18, 2021Apr 18, 2021
Vermicomposting-The process of making compost with the help of redworms is known as vermicomposting. Firstly, a pit of around 30cm is dug. Alternatively…Mar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021
Bioregionalism-A political, cultural and ecological system based on naturally defined regions like ecoregions called bioregions is known as…Feb 25, 2021Feb 25, 2021
Clean Development Mechanism(CDM)-The Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) is a product of the Kyoto Protocol which proves beneficial for both industry as well as climate…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Agroforestry-The word ‘agroforestry’ has been derived from ‘agriculture’ and ‘forestry’ depicting their combination through the tree plantation on…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Biodynamic Agriculture-The motto of biodynamic agriculture is to produce the best possible ways which allows future generations to obtain same or better results…Feb 23, 2021Feb 23, 2021
Recycling of Food Waste-Change in climate is largely affected by the wasted foods which is thrown mostly in landfill sites. After some time, it rots, releasing…Feb 23, 2021Feb 23, 2021
Developing an Effective Waste Management and Disposal Strategy-A plan with an aim needs a right team for success. So finding right people around our organization is must for the development of a waste…Feb 23, 2021Feb 23, 2021